Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter with the Sanfords

We had a wonderful Easter this year! We were able to spend it with Mikes parents, Mike and Melinda. They drove down from Louisville, and went to Church with us, we went out to brunch, and spent a wonderful afternoon in our backyard since it was in the 80's. It was such a beautiful day!

We had so much fun dressing Peyton up in her Easter outfit. She got her first cold on Saturday so she wasn't feeling too well, but she was such a good girl and basically slept the day away! We are having so much fun with her and she is such a sweet baby. I hate when she is not feeling well, but she is getting better each day!

Here are some pictures of Easter in Kentucky:

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Ball.

Spring Ball started last week for WKU. Mike has been working hard and trying to get the offense going. He has been up at 5a and he has been pretty exhausted. Still he is so good and so engaged with Peyton. He is able to come home around 7p four nights out of the week so it hasn't been too bad. We have had far worse hours before! He is gone all day and night on Friday and all day Saturday, but he is able to have Sunday off which is awesome! We are able to go to Sunday School and Church....which is so important for us.

Peyton is growing up so much. I can't believe how much she is growing every day. She loves to sing to herself, roll over, and she is ABOUT to grab her feet. She follows me around the room and LOVES her dolly that Auntie Paula gave her. She is such a true joy to us and it seriously gets better every day. I love being a Mom! Yes, it has come with a lot of adjustments, but I love it.

We love living in Kentucky. We have made some great friends and love our church, love our neighborhood, and just love the slow pace way of life here. We feel so incredibly blessed to be living here!

Here are some recent pictures: