I have not posted in upteen years. I think I just got sidetracked with the birth of Peyton. For all of you who don't know, Peyton Jean was born on Dec 22, 2009 @ 12:01p in the afternoon. We barely missed having Baby Jesus and I am glad because I feared she would never talk to me again if she was born on Christmas day. I was a week late with Peyton which was really tough as I basically had to put my Dr in a corner and demand that she induce me. I tried everything to naturally induce. I walked basically 30 miles a day, I ate the hottest food imaginable and she still did not want to come out. Finally, the Dr agreed to induce me which looking back was the best thing, but my labor was really, really hard. I won't go into details, but it almost made me think that Peyton was either going to be an only child or have adopted sisters and brothers. I'm over it now, but I don't think I will ever forget.
With all that being said, I absolutely love being a Mother. I have been blessed with a good eater and good sleeper and with all the changes in my life, God really did have mercy on me in that category. I can't even imagine my life without her and I am just so thankful to God for my little miracle.
Did I also mention that two weeks after Pey was born, Mike took a job as the Pass Game Coordinator/QB Coach at Western Kentucky? It was an offer he couldn't refuse, but let's just say that him leaving to go out recruiting when Pey was itty bitty was really tough. I am thankful to my Mother in Law for being there when he couldn't be. When he came back, we moved to Kentucky. Yes, I moved with a three week year old to Kentucky. We kicked it old school and packed up the family wagon and drove over yonder. Again, Peyton was perfect the whole time, it was me who might have had a million little breakdowns. I knew that this move was best for our family and I really had to come to the realization that I married Mike and not football and home is wherever he is, but when faced with reality that moving is just a fact of life for me, is sometimes really hard (sorry, that was the biggest run-on sentence). I think I am going to blog about being a Coach's wife in my next little blog because it is a whole different ball game when you introduce kids into it. Thankfully, Peyton is only a month old and she has no idea.
We love our new home in Kentucky. I have a home! I have never lived in a home with Mike. Not to mention that it is brand new, never lived in and is super cheap. We have the best neighbors! They are all so Southern and I absolutely love living in the South, which I will totally blog about later.
5 move in 7 years. Not too shabby.